Thursday, March 26, 2009

In the same place again

I'm sitting down at this very moment wondering, is it possible to be in the same place again?!?
I haven't blogged in a little while, not because there hasn't been anything to write about.  Surely not that!  I guess it's kinda like bloggers block.  If I had to describe the state of mind of how I feel about things what would I say? Hmmm...I guess if there was one person I would want to talk to it would be GOD.  I feel like there's this word I want to use, it's sitting at the tip of my tongue but I have no idea what the heck it is.  This word that would describe perfectly the stuff going on with me at this very moment.  What the heck is the word?!?  So right now, I'm sitting on the bedroom floor and so many things are going through my mind.  I wish my fingers would move faster.  I'm just sitting down with a white Genentech t-shirt on and some blue panties.  Nothing particular about what I'm wearing.  My hair is a mess and my eyebrows sure could use some Asian attention.  The one thing that is distinctive about what's going on with me right now is that I'm sitting her with tears rolling down my cheeks.  Tears are a sign of pain, happiness, and/or anger.  Can you guess which one I'm feeling?!?  It's a Thursday night and I've been here before.  I don't know if it was a Thursday night before.  I'm looking at the horrible jacked up blinds on my bedroom window and I'm thinking when the hell am I going to take them down., I'm what you call a victim of love.  I didn't think when I woke up this morning, this evening would have been like this.  I didn't think when I came home this evening, my night would have been like this.